Cedar Mat
- Title
- Cedar Mat
- Rights
- Museum of Anthropological Archaeology
- Type
- ethnographic
- Creator
- Ketegaunseebee/Garden River First Nation
- Mary Belanger
- Date
- 1933-08
- Description
- Cedar mat (from Volney Jones' 1933 field notes).
- Place
- Canada
- Garden River, Ontario
- Identifier
- UMMAA 14012
- Relation
- Cedar Bark
- Cedar, Inner Bark
- Cedar, Inner Bark
- Cedar Strips
- Cedar, Inner Bark
- Cedar Bark Strips, dyed with bloodroot
- Neil Boyer holding cedar strips
- Cedar Mat with Belanger&Boyer family
- Provenance
- Volney Jones
- Item sets
- Anishinaabe Plants UMMAA
Part of Cedar Mat